With the novel coronavirus spreading in Croatia – as well as worldwide – I have decided to create this article and update it whenever needed to keep you all up to date with the number of Covid-19 cases in Croatia, as well as measures announced by authorities.
(This article will be constantly updated with the latest news regarding the Coronavirus in Croatia in an easy to follow form)

(10 March 1st Update) Confirmed cases: 15. New today: 2
Two new cases of Coronavirus in Croatia have been reported, but these are not local transmission cases.
While details are scarce right now, the two people recently returned from Italy and Austria.
(11 March 2nd Update) Confirmed cases: 15
Luckily, the number of confirmed countries in remains at 15, with no new cases reported since the 10th.
Here is a list of the measures announced by the country so far:
- All foreigners coming from the hardest hit countries (listed on the official website here) will be placed in quarantine for 14 days
- Locals coming from these areas, plus others, with no symptoms, will have to spend the same amount of time in self-isolation (list of countries again available on the Health Ministry’s website above)
- All public gatherings of over 1,000 people should be postponed
- Local authorities have the competence to cancel or postpone gatherings with less than 1,000 participants on a case by case basis
All in all, the authorities have taken measures similar to those in other countries that are not very much affects by the new virus. Hopefully these are enough to contain its spread.
(March 12 Update): Confirmed cases: 19
A bigger increase in the number of confirmed cases, with the authorities expected to take some more serious measures.
There are already talks about closing schools, which is one of the first measures that should be taken in my opinion. Also, the country announced that all flights and ferry lines to Italy are cancelled for now.
Out of the new cases, they are all imported: people who have recently traveled to Austria or Germany.
(March 13 Update): Confirmed cases: 27. Cured: 1
The biggest jump in Covid-19 confirmed cases in Croatia so far. There are still no locally transmitted cases, all the patients having traveled abroad.
A bit of good news too: the first cured patient has been released from the hospital, after testing negative twice.
While the schools haven’t been shut down completely nationwide, some schools are closed on Friday which might be just too little. In Istria County, kindergartens, schools and faculties are closed.
However, all sports competitions (including football matches) have been cancelled until March 31st.
Reports regarding a decline in tourist intake surfaced, with Zagreb reporting 6% fewer tourists this February compared to last year. This comes after a good January, with 10% more tourists coming to Croatia’s capital. We’ll have to just wait and see what happens with the summer destinations…
(March 30 Update): Confirmed cases: 713. Cured: 52. Deaths: 6
The number of reported cases grew a lot in the past few days, with 52 people being cured and unfortunately 6 people losing their lives to the virus.
There are currently 713 people confirmed in Croatia with the virus, the numbers going up rapidly in the past week. Compared to other countries in Europe, Croatia is still relatively safe so far and we don’t hear reports of overcrowded hospitals. Hopefully it will stay like this!
A total of 66 measures have been taken to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus in Croatia, the country being in a partial lockdown currently.
(April 2 Update): Confirmed cases: 963. Cured: 73. Deaths: 6
Even though the number of cases is growing steadily, we can’t talk yet about a boom of new confirmed infections. Even better is the fact that in the past few days, no new deaths were recorded.
Original article below
Right now, there are 10 confirmed cases of the novel Coronavirus in Croatia. Most of these cases are connected to travel to Italy or close contacts of people already confirmed in the country.
The number of cases is still very low in the country and fortunately the virus is not spreading as fast as it did in some other places, like the massively hit Italy which is now under lockdown with more than 10,000 cases.
So far, the authorities seem to have taken the necessary precautions to stop the spread of the virus, but the battle is far from over and I believe that the real challenge only now begins.
However, with the tourism industry being so important for Croatia’s economy, I am sure that the country’s leaders will do everything it takes to keep things under control in order not to disrupt tourism – even though reports are already starting to circulate regarding disruptions.
A recessions is in the talks as well, but right now the political games have just begun so we don’t know exactly how much of this is really politics and how much is truth.
Coronavirus in Croatia scare: should you be worried?
People in Croatia – be the locals or tourists – are not yet very concerned about the virus and life goes on as usual.
Generally speaking, we haven’t seen the large queues in supermarkets, with people hoarding food or toilet paper, which is a good thing in my opinion. While being prepared and cautious is definitely the best thing to do right now, panic won’t do any good!
But what if you have travel plans to Croatia? Should you cancel them or not?
While it is obviously completely up to you, the situation right now in the country, as well as throughout Europe is not that bad. Just a small number of people are infected – although it’s pretty clear by now that it can spread insanely fast.
There are people who claim that the high temperatures of the summer might kill this virus, so unless you’re planning to visit the country during the Spring, canceling everything now might be a bit too much. Again: it’s your decision entirely.
It’s good to keep informed and see how this whole thing evolves. I believe that the next 30 days will show for sure if things get really bad or if the governments can control this outbreak or epidemic or pandemic or whatever you want to call it.
But if you have plans made for august… well, it might be too soon to cancel. We have a trip scheduled abroad in late June and one to the sea in early August and we’re just watching things unfold. Nervous, for sure, but not in panic mode!
You can also check out the official Croatian Health Ministry’s website (in Croatian only though) for safety measures and other details about the novel coronavirus in Croatia. Or just come back often to this article and check the updates.
Let’s just hope that everything will turn out fine and both authorities and citizens from all over the world understand the seriousness of this new virus and treat it accordingly.